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Casey Anthony Murder Trial book cover with image of Casey and Caylee.

Watching Casey Anthony: Two Authors Document A Controversial Trial

At 540 pages, this exhaustive investigation into the Casey Anthony case mirrors the sprawling nature of the trial itself, delving deep into every twist and turn of an investigation that captivated America and left more questions than answers.
A model head with puzzle pieces

Young Serial Killers: Breaking Down the Research

Young serial killers remain one of criminology's darkest realities. New research strips away media myths and sensationalism, revealing the complex psychology behind juveniles who commit multiple murders.
Three faces of attractive people

The Halo Effect’s Surprising Limits: When Beauty Can’t Sway Justice

By Robin Kramer, University of Lincoln You might think attractive people get preferential treatment in life – and research suggests you’d be right. Some...
Fiona Beal and Nick Billingham, garden in background

Unraveling the Fiona Beal Murder Case

The shocking case of Fiona Beal, a primary school teacher who murdered her partner and buried him in their garden. Uncover the chilling details of her confession, alter ego, and the investigation that led to justice.
Police cars, a golf course and forest.

A Mysterious Crime in Houston’s Inwood Forest: The Complex Trial That Followed Golf Pro...

The brutal murder of golf pro Gary Cooper in Houston's upscale Inwood Forest community left investigators with a complex web of relationships to untangle.