John George Haigh: The Notorious ‘Acid Bath Murderer’ of 1940’s Britain
A book review of the John George Haigh serial murder case of 1944-49, where in order to hide his victims, Haigh dissolved their bodies in vats of acid.
A book review of the John George Haigh serial murder case of 1944-49, where in order to hide his victims, Haigh dissolved their bodies in vats of acid.
What makes one person evil and another not? Investigation into the brains and minds of serial killers and psychopaths is trying to find out.
Herman Webster Mudgett, aka Dr. Henry Howard Holmes, is one of America’s first noted serial murderers. He killed at least 27 women during the 1893 World’s...
The unsolved Bible John murders of Glasgow have haunted Scotland for four decades with convicted serial killer Peter Tobin being top of the suspect list.
In a rare case of a female killer, Joanna Dennehy stabbed three men to death within days of each other looking to match the nine kills of Bonnie & Clyde.
In 1994, Christopher Scarver beat Jeffrey Dahmer to death with a metal bar in prison, ending the life of one of the most notorious serial killers in history.
When a multiple murderer is discovered a serial killer nickname soon appears, an assigned name they will be known by forever more, propelling them into celebrity status.
Many serial killers have reported a history of childhood abuse. This study examined 50 US convicted serial killers to examine the possible relationship between childhood abuse and serial murder.
Was William Heirens innocent? His confession to three murders as the Lipstick Killer in 1946 at just 17 years old has now come under question.
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